Have you found yourself trying to please everyone however not happy with the product, the report, or project outcome? Today’s demands are overwhelming and in attempts to do everything asked of you priorities become diffused. Injury clinics and providers are clearly challenged and some failing at progressing their work injuries. Some by design and others with a lack of focus and planning. We operate in the new world of mega fast technology, people expect instant results and we are combated with constant stimulus. Keeping the provider engaged is a real challenge. How do we reconcile this quandary? My recommendation is Essentialism. Defined in many ways, however, I will share what I have read and found to be the recipe for managing providers and clinics effectively. Tools to getting the outcomes you need.
When asking for a release to work or a study you must ask the right thing, in the right way, at the right time. Don’t try to resolve 3-4 problems at once as they will get overwhelmed and lose the ability to help you. Identify the vital few pieces of a situation, a problem, or task. Avoid the distractions from the claimant or even employer. Address the problem by being practical, not wordy or complicated. Less but Better.
As a case manager I will review hundreds of pages of medical records and notes, from this pulling only the essential diagnosis, red flags, hints and clues of underlying issues. Care providers seem to be throwing the kitchen sink at their patients while failing to focus on the pieces and points that need to be addressed to resolve the injury and to achieve a clear goal of increasing function to achieve return to work. A case manager is key to decreasing the overload, shut down the distractions, identify the vital pieces, and bring focused quality care management to a case.
References: Essentialism by Greg McKeown