Confusion between price and costs often prevents early case management intervention.

Economic effects are complex

Direct Costs Indirect Costs
Insurance Replacing Employees
Indemnity Decreased Productivity
Medical Treatments Retraining/Decreased Morale


Numerous studies have concluded that early contact (in the first week) with a nurse case manager, NCM, substantially improves the odds of a successful RTW. The PRICE of the NCM is a fraction of the COST when the NCM function is performed according to the following standards:

  • Assist the Injured Worker (IW) in getting the proper care
  • Provide information that allows the IW to make an informed decision
  • Eliminate delays in treatments/benefits
  • Communicate with the Employer and Providers about alternate work programs
  • Early return to work (RTW) to decrease indemnity payments

You should expect your NCM to promptly:

  • Confirm treatment plans
  • Assess the IW’s ability to RTW
  • Assist the IW with treatment options
  • Communicate useful info in a continuous feedback loop
  • The NCM will ensure that the IW follows the medical care plan and develops a RTW plan with regard to the IW’s recovery, restrictions and limitations.

Early intervention by the NCM justifies the price because the TOTAL COSTS are lower.

Pay a little more now and a lot less later!

March 2010
Author: Betty Markee, BSN, RN, CCM
Edited By: D. Perry