DWC074: Description of Injured Employee Employment
Purpose: Facilitate the exchange of information between the employers and injured employee’s treating doctor regarding the employee’s job functions, duties, and responsibilities to best determine when to safely return the employee to work.
The form is to be completed by an employer representative. Employers are encouraged to provide any additional information that they want the treating doctor to consider. The form is communication between the employer and the treating doctor and should not be sent to TDI-DWC.
Online Form: DWC074
Texas Legislature’s Sunset Advisory Commission is reviewing DWC.
The Texas Sunset Act states government agencies will be reviewed every 12 years. The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) mission and performance is under evaluation now. Recommendations that come from the Sunset Committee will be submitted to the next Texas legislative session set to convene in January 2011.
The panel will review the department’s viability and practices. Next, the commission will hear public testimony regarding improvements that might be necessary. The compilation of these efforts will be used to consider the direction of the DWC agency.
Texas Sunset Advisory Committee website
January 2010
Author/ Editor: Marla Ferguson